So cool
so cool too
and Letties new glasses are cool too
watching TV
Her favorite Snack
Easter egg hunt and Mom and Dad
High level bridge Lethbridge
My new shirt, got it from Lettie's Boss
cruisin at Henderson Lake
And watching TV again "Goof"
At Home depot
My Citizenship Party
The Final moment that I became Canadian
Party - that's Rainer
Letter from Mister Harper
Nicoles "Boy-friend"
Birthday presents
Birthday lunch
Playground and Lake close to our house
My sweatheart
her new bike
The kids Pool Party
Last day of skiing this season
This will be more a summary of things that happened this month. Because of my intensive Citizenship preparation I had no time to write an "normal" newsletter this month. But read here in a shorter from what happened in April.
So now I 'am Canadian Citizen after 13 month for the Citizenship application and a total of 6 years from my very first step to move to Canada I am (we are) released that it is done and that I now have the Canadian and the German Citizenship. The Judge at the ceremony said thtat this is one of the most importand days of my life (beside marriage and getting kids) and he is so rigth!
So jetzt bin ich Kanadier, nach 13 Monaten Bearbeitungszeit und 6 Jahren seitdem ich meinen ersten Schritt zur Auswanderung gemacht habe bin ich nun endlich Kanadier und auch weiterhin Deutscher Staatsbuerger. Der Richter sagte am Ende der Zeremonie das das einer der wichtigsten Tage in unserem Leben ist, (nach Hochzeit und der Geburt von Nicole) und er hat Recht.
The Easter weekend we had a easter egg hunt at our house and at Mom and Dad's house as well, Nicole loved to find chocolate eggs and she really beliefs in the easter Bunny, she asked "where does the easter Bunny lives?" I went skiing on good Friday, probably the last time that season, Castle had just awesome snow condition and it seems a shame that they close already.
Erica went with her grandparents (from the fathers side) to Mexico for a week, lucky her!
Dual Citizenship Immigration Passport, I had to extend my certificate for Dual Citizenship which I got from Germany as it would have expired in June and I need this before I can get the Canadian Citizenship. After paying the fee I got the invitation for my Canadian Citizenship, which means if I pass I did not had to extend the document and pay the extra money ahhhhhh. Than my Passport arrived in Vancouver, to get it I would have to send in my old one - but I need my old one as I have to bring it to the Citizenship test, another ahhhhhh, why do have sometimes all things have to happen at the same time.
Nicole's 4th birthday, she was so happy about her presents. One present was a bike for kids in her age who begin to bicycle. It is a bike with no pedals which seems to be the latest thing on the market. as kids learn to keep balance and the later need no little assistance wheels if the start riding a "real" bike. She loves it and it's nice to see her cruising around. All for of us went out on her birthday for lunch to Ricky's.On April 28th. we had a party at a pool which we booked for 2 hrs so that the kids could celebrate with their friends, that was a lot of fun!
Omni Heat Jacket, that seems to be latest technology for Hiking?Winter Jackets and because the season is over the prices are going down, LOVE it.
Election in Alberta, which was 5 days before my Citizenship. It just confirms what everybody here knows, Alberta is very very Conservative. The Conservative Party and Wild-rose Party got nearly all seats in the Parliament.
Citizenship Test, what a day: The test was at 11 am, well they started to check the papers of the the applicants at 11 the test startet at maybe 11.45 at courtroom 6 in the Lethbridge Courthouse. 44 people tried the test, 5 failed (they will get an interview, the earliest time would be in 13 month!!). Than I got the Info I passed and at 1:30 the Ceremony started with the Immigration Judge in the same Courtroom, with our familys and friend's. Later that day we celabrated with 15-20 friends in a Pub, man I had a big headache next day :-)
Wir hatten gerade Wahlen hier, darf ja leider noch nicht waehlen.Alberta ist tief Conservative, soll heissen wir sind die Bayern Canada's. Von den Rund 90 Sitzen im Landtag gehen 80 an die CP ( 60 Conservative party) und WRP (20 Wildrose party), die beiden sind wir CDU und CSU, die gerade mal 10 Verbliebenen Sitze gehen an die Sozis und Liberalen. Am Osterwochenende war ich das letzte mal Ski fahren, wow ist die Saison auch schon wieder vorbei. Zum Ostereier suchen sind wir auch bei meinen Schwiegereltern gewesen. Nicole hatte ihren 4. Geburtstag und bekam ein Laufrad in PINK natuerlich, sie liebt es und wuerde es am liebsten ueberall hin fahren. Erica und Nicole hatten dann eine Party im Schwimmbad mit ihren Freunden, wir haben den Pool fuer 2 Stunden gemietet und hatten Snacks und natuerlich gab es eine menge Geschenke fuer beide. Erica war auch eine Woche mit ihren Grosseltern (Vaeterlicher seits). Ich selber habe mir eine Hightech Wander/Ski Jacke gegoennt mit dem neuesten Snick Snack in diesem Feld. Ausserdem ist mein neuer Deutscher Reisepass in Vancouver und ich hoffe das ich diesen nun bald bekomme so wie meinen Kanadischen Pass - EINBUERGERUNG : Ich hatte am 27.4 meinen Test, zum Gericht musste ich um 11 Uhr erscheinen, ca. 44 ander waren auch da um den test zu machen, nachdem alle Papiere ueberprueft wurden haben wir um 11.45 die Test unterlagen bekommen, 20 Fragen davon mussten wir 15 richtig beantworten ich hatte bestimm 19 oder alle 20 richttig. 5 Leute fielen durch, die duerfen in 13 Monaten zu einem Interview. Ich habe bestanden und durfte dann meinen Eid auf die Gesetze und die Queen ablegen in Franzoesisch und ich habe jetzt ne Koenigin :-)), wir haben natuerlich gut gefeiert den Abend mit 15-20 Freunden in einem Pub, Mensch hatte ich einen dicken Schaedel am naechsten Tag!
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