happy kids
hike on to bears hump
and here is the bear
Nicole takes a nap
Prince of Wales from bears hump
Cameron Lake in June
A Party Nicole was invited too
the block Party at our Park
Crowsnest Mountain

Article about my in-laws house

Party at Peters house

BBQ with the hiking Club
Lawn mowing weekend - There was one weekend where I cut the lawn at our house (front and back), at Mom and Dad's house and the next day I drove to our Cottage to cut it there too (as the guy who did it before can not do it anymore). So I drove with our lawn mower on a Sunday to the CNP and cut the lawn. I got a nice little sunburn, ouch. But I also had time to have a quick stop at the Chinook Lake, a beautiful little lake in the mountains.
Party weekend - Nicole was invited to a kids birthday party, we had our block party and we went to peters Party at his house (BBQ).
Nicole was invited to one of the kids from the day-care, the party was for 3 hours at the YMCA, jump-castle, swimming and cake. Nicole had a good time, but 3 hours is loooong.
We had our Block-party at Laval Park, same as every year. A Pot luck party, just when we set up everything the weather started to be really nice. After the Party we went to one of our neighbors (with another couple) to have a few more drinks, as all of the sudden at 1.00 am Erica phoned and said Nicole would have diarrhea, so we went home, but is was not as bad as I thought first. Peters Party was at Sunday in his backyard, he BBQ and we meet many people (most of them we know from before). Our friends Andre and Doris where there too with there kids.
Lice ahhhhhhhhhhh, Nicole had to stay home after the day-home closed, since a kid had lice. Nicole had lice too, not as many but still. So I stayed home with her for 4 days, washing Hundreds of laundry loads, checked her hair twice a day and washed a couple times each day. What a nightmare, poor kid was so sick that someone was always picking her hair. As a special treat she could pick a big Playmobil toy at
Fathers Day, the day before fathers day we went to Waterton to hike up Bears hump. Nicole walked most of it by herself up, down hill she was in the kids carrier on my back.
Lettie's Cousins from Ireland an their Partners are coming in August for 2 weeks, same time like my friends from Austria and Germany - so we will have 7 Guest from Europe. Will I stay with my friends close to the Mountains in a B&B, Lettie will stay with Nicole and their relatives in a cottage in the same area. We might do some hiking together, but for sure will have some nice International Evenings with pizza and Beer at the Cottage where Lettie stays.
After we let Erica with her Dad in hope she would not get the lice as well, she came back after 2 weeks with the information from her dad "she is fine" which was total nonsense, after Lettie and I checked we saw right away she had a bad case of lice, much much worse than Nicole ever had.
He had 2 weeks to check and did not find any, and we found 15 living lice and dozens of eggs, Lettie picked from 8 pm to 3 am !! These lice have been in Erica's hair since 2 weeks at least.
Erica's friend at school has a sister who goes with nicole in the same day-home, they brought it to Nicole and Erica. But while we had control over Nicole and the hope Erica would be better at her dad, we had to, learn that this was a big mistake.
Rasen maehen Wochenende - nicht nur das ich unseren Rasen vorne und im Garten gemaeht habe, ich habe auch die riesen Rasenflaeche meiner Schwiegereltern und unseres Ferienhuases gemaeht! Habe mir einen schoenen Sonnebrand eingefangen.
Aber ich hatte auch etwas Zeit in den bergen die Natur zu geniessen, so etwas am Chinnok Lake im Pass.
Party Wochenend - Nicole war zu einem Kindergeburtstag eingeladen, 3 Stunden Huepfburg, Schwimmbad und Kuchen ahhhhh, viel zu lange - aber zumindest sie hatte viel Spass. Wir hatten unsere Blockparty den gleichen
Laeuse ahhhhh - Nicole hat sich Laeuse eingefangen in dem Haus von der tagesmutter. Ein Maedchen hatte es wohl ganz schlimm und so hat Nicole ihre bekommen. Zun Glueck nicht so schlimm, aber die Tagesmutter hat 3 tage dicht gemacht so das ich auch Urlaub nehmen musste. Ich habe noch nie so viel Waesche gewaschen wie in diesen Tagen, die Waschmaschiene und der Trockner liefen ununterbrochen. Aber wir haben das Problem in den Griff bekommen auch wenn man erst nach Wochen sicher sein kann, bis dahin kontrolieren wir Nicoles Haar jeden
Am Vatertag (den
Besucher aus Europa - Nun bekommen wir 7.... S I E B E N........Besucher aus Europa in August.
Meine Freunde aus Wien und Freiburg bleiben 3 Wochen, die erste Woche werde ich mit Ihnen wandern in Wateron. Letties Cousins und deren Freundinen bleiben 2 Wochen, Lettie wird mit denen in einem Ferienhaus bei Waterton sein, nicht weit von dem B&B wo ich mit meinen Freunden zur gleichen Zeit bin. Wir werden sicher den ein oder anderen Abend zusammen kommen um einen "Europaeischen Abend" zu haben bei Pizza und Bier :-)
Laeuse Teil II - Da haben wir Erica extra Zuhause gelassen damit sie keine Laeuse bekommt und dann das.........aber vieleicht sollte ich vorne anfangen. Erica's Klassenkameradin hat eine kleine Schwester die Laeuse hatte, die kleine Schwester geht mit Nicole zur selben Tagesmutter, daher hat also Nicole ihre Laeuse. Also dachten wir Erica bleibt besser bei ihrem Papa. Er bestaetigte uns das Erica nichts hat......PUSTEKUCHEN...als sie zu uns kam nach 2 Wochen waren ihre Haare voll mit Laeusen, die schon so gross waren das diese nicht erst seit kurzem da waren. Da hat ihr Vater also voll gepennt und nun haben wir das Problem am Hals.
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