Babygroup Birthday Party
Nicole got a haircut

ready for the movie

Erica and Lettie made this

I made this

Erica made that


A day of skiing at castle Mountain, we had one week of intensive snowfall at Castle, more than 110 cm of new snow, so I HAD TO GO SKIING! So I got the YES from my wife that I could leave by myself to enjoy a great day of deep powder snow skiing. I am much more comfortable now to go the black runs in Castle Mountain, the snow was just soooo fluffy.
Erica and Lettie came to Nicole's gymnastic, they where on the visitor balcony and they checked out how good Nicole is doing with her Gymnastic. After Nicole spot her mom and sister she was very excited and told everybody that they are here.
The following weekend I was skiing again, this time wight Nicole. It was the weekend we changed our time to summer time. So it was kind of though to leave early because it was even earlier for us, missed on hour of sleep! But Nicole was very good at this early morning hour, she than felt asleep later in the car again. After a small snack we skied on the beginners hill, where Nicole was not so happy especially after she felt, so we had another short break. But than she had a great time and she was even skiing by herself, she can not stop right now - so I went ahead and let her ski for 20 meters and than catch her.
After lunch she went to the day-care while I could ski by myself for 2 hours.
Catherine is back to Mom's birthday.
Erica made a great "Whale" birthday cake for the when we celebrated Mom's Erica's and Catherine's birthday at Mom and Dad's home. We had Chines food which Catherine brought and played "how green you are" with Erica (she had to find her presents which we hide).
The weather is typical for this time, one time now snow - sunny and dry and than snow and cold. So the winter is still coming back.
Lettie went with Nicole to the Gymnastic, Lettie is not a big fan of Gymnastics. Especially one parents couple, goes on our nerves, Isabelle's parents are just annoying! But Nicole loves her "Turnen" and the sucker she is getting after wards.
Erica is turning 12, she is getting close to be a teenager ahhhhhhh, we had her over for dinner the night before her birthday and we sang happy birthday while Lettie brought in some yummy Cup cakes from Crazy cake.
Nicole and the other kids of the Baby-group (Lettie joined after Nicole was born), had a Birthday Party because all Kids where born in the same time of the year. Lettie organized a little game where the kids could fish some cracker with a fishing rod, Erica was than putting the bags on the home made fishing rod. The kids had a jumping castle, and cake and snack and of course presents, that all tired Nicole out and she had a good afternoon nap.
Eine Woche lang Schneefall ohne Ende und da musste ich naruerlich nach Castle Mountain zum Ski fahren. Mehr als 110 cm Neuschnee waren einfach zu verfuehrerrisch um nicht zu fahren. So hatte ich einen tollen
Erica und Lettie kamen zu Nicole's Turn Unterricht, die beiden waren auf der Besucher
Meine Schwaegerin Catherine kam zum Geburtstag meiner Schwiegermutter. Catherine war eine Woche in Lethbridge, so konnten wir bei meinen Schwiegereltern den Geburtstag von meiner Schwiegermutter - Erica und Catherine feiern die alle im Maerz sind.
Nicole und ich waren Ski fahren an einem Sonntag, wir fuhren sehr frueh los, die kleine Maus ist im Auto wieder eingeschlafen. Morgens sind wir dann, mit Pause, 2 Stunden gefahren. Ich habe sie auf dem Anfaengerhuegel immer 20 meter fahren lassen und dann aufgefangen, da sie noch nicht selber stoppen kann. Nach der Mittagspause habe ich sie im Kindergarten abgegeben fuer 2 Stunden so das ich auch einmal alleine fahren konnte. Wir hatten einen tollen
Erica ist 12 geworden am 23.3, und nur noch ein Jahr bevor sie ein Teenager ist ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Nicole und die anderen Kinder aus der "Babygruppe" (die Lettie am Anfang besucht hatte), feierten einen gemeinsamen Kindergeburtstag, da alle Kinder im gleichen Zeitraum geboren sind. Es gab eine Huepfburg, Spiele und Snacks und natuerlich einen Kuchen, fuer 2 Stunden konnten die Kinder sich austoben so das Nicole einen guten langen Mittagsschlaf anschliessend hatte.
Lettie und ich haben uns mit Koko und Rainer und deren Freund Matthias in einem Pub getroffen, er wird wenn alles gut wird auch nach Lethbridge ziehen und so ein weiteres Mitglied unserer kleinen Deutschen Runde jeden ersten Freitag im Mojos Pub sein.
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