Go Germany go

a very warm sunny sunday on April 18th.
I love presents
Yeah 2 years old!!!
Got this from mommy and pappi
Ericas Birthday Party
and her friends at her sleepover

Easter egg hunt
I found "Schokolade"
Where is the baby? :-)))
my kids
and again
and again

and again :-))))
ski weekend in Banff
Skiing at sunshine
great conditions
on the top

Highway to Banff
Deutscher Supermarkt in Calgary
Yes yes yes!!!!

so cute
2. For my Canadian family
Erica has her Fotos taken for Ballet, this year in May will be a big event for the Ballet kids on stage at the UofL. So someone took Fotos from the kids in their stage outfit.
Lettie Nicole and I went to the German Canadian Club for their Family dinner. For $10 each (Nicole was free) we got some good Gulasch and Pasta. We sat together with our new friends Doris and Andre and their kids. Nicole had fun, their where other kids her age and even if one boy was one month older she called him "Baby". They showed a famous old short comedy from german TV (dinner for one) from the BBC but always shown on German TV on new years eve, Nicole was standing in front of the BIG screen and laughed when she heard the other people laugh, that was soooo cute.
Eastern in the CNP (Crowsnest Pass)
We went from thursday to sunday over easter to the CNP. On god Friday we had Jason and Kathy over for dinner.On Saturday we had our Realtor over to get everything ready to put the house on the market, we wanna sell it now. Poor Nicole was sick and throw up from Saturday morning till Sunday afternoon. At night I sleept beside her, she was up every 2 hours to throw up, poor little mouse. Erica and I went to Fernie to the Pool while Letie and poor Nicole stayed at the cottage. Later Erica and Lettie went to the movie theatre in Blairmore (first time that Lettie went there) to see Alice in Wonderland, while I stayed home with Nicole. Poor Nicole was with us at Tim Hortons while we three had a nice little snack, of course she wanted some of the Donut with Chocolate, she made a big fuzz and of course later she throw up.
Skiing in Banff
I went skiing at sunshine in Banff for one weekend. I stayed two night at the Youthhostel, that's the cheapest way to stay in Banff. So I skied one full day at sunshine one of the best skiresort in the world. They had more than 60 cm of snow in the week before and a amazing sunny day when I came for skiing, what a great day!!!!! after a long day of skiing I relaxed at the Hot Pools in Banff. On Sunday I skied for 2 hrs. at the Norquay Skie resort before I drove home around 1pm.
On April 14th. we had a Blizzard, round about 35cm of snow and most of the City without power. Our office has a generator so we could work :-( A day before we had such nice weather and now soooo much snow. And then 4 days later great sunny weather with 21 degree and nearly all the snow totally gone.
Birthday Party Nicole
Nicole had her party on the 17th. and she kind of got it that the guest where there for her. She enjoyed her presents and of course her cake. She is 2 now, time is going soooo fast.
3. Bericht der letzten Zeit
Deutsch/Kanadischer Klub
Am 26.03 waren Lettie Nicole und ich zum Familien Abend. Es gab Gulasch und Nudel und fuer $10 pro Person (Nicole war frei) konnte man echt gut speisen. Wir haben dort unsere neuen Freunde Doris und Andre und ihre Kinder getroffen. Da auch ein paar andere Kinder da waren hatte auch Nicole eine menge Spass. Auf einer grossen Leinwand wurde dann "Dinner for one" gezeigt, was Nicole ganz lustig fand, nicht das sie den Film verstanden hat aber jedesmal wenn jemand lacht - lachte sie auch ganz laut.
Das leere Bett
Lettie hoerte letztens das typische "Mami Mami" rufen aus Nicoles Zimmer. Also ging sie rein und da sie Nicole nicht mit dem Licht stoeren wollte liess sie es aus. Sie stand dann vor Nicoles Bett was Lettie dann erst nach und nach feststellte LEER war. Nicole muss hinter der Tuere gestanden haben als Lettie in ihr Zimmer ging. Sie ging dann ohne das Mami es bemerkte ins Wohnzimmer, Letie musste darueber lachen das sie zu einem leeren Bett sprach.
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