Dinner at her treehouse
At Chinook high
My birthday party
Show and tell with Buddy
Moms service
Date night
At the Coulees
Nicole birthday party
Just cute
Family project
Waterton part two
Schwiegermutters Trauerfeier:
Moms service on May 1st. - we had a very nice service for Mom and Lettie was saying something about her Mom, see below:
Life is mostly froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone,
KINDNESS in another’s trouble,
COURAGE in your own
These lines, taken from a poem by Australian writer, Adam L. Gordon, remind me of the many kindnesses our mother has shown to her family, friends, and colleagues over the years. Joan always made an effort to connect with people and to stay in touch regularly with them, often despite lengthy distances. She was an avid reader and of course an accomplished musician and her great love was to share her knowledge and love of music with others.
Our mother demonstrated tremendous courage and perseverance in many activities despite her physical limitations, particularly in later years. We have often described mom as having a “sunny side up, personality. She would almost sing the words: “Good morning dear!” – so excited and happy she was to greet us and begin to share a new day with us. Our mother loved travelling to new places and enjoyed trips to several locations in the UK, Europe and the Middle East. Closer to home, Waterton Park was her favourite place for nature appreciation and spiritual renewal.
You will notice some items at the front of the church that we have selected to represent our mother and her life. It may seem unusual to choose a concrete bird bath in obvious need of some refurbishment to represent a vibrant, musically gifted andintelligent woman like our mother. However, I can share with you that this bird bath was very special to mom, and she took great care to ensure that the birds had clean fresh water at all times, even if this meant hauling water from the kitchen, or hand scraping an icy layer off the top to make sure the birds could use the bath whenever they desired.
The same level of dedication and devotion was shown to us over the years by the loving example both of our parent’s set for us.We learned, almost by osmosis, how to care for and nurture each other, how to look after our environment and appreciate the beauty around us. We learned to explore our world, while noticing the needs of others and offering to help. Mom taught us to be brave when facing difficult decisions in life, and most importantly, she taught us that we always had a soft place to fall if we really messed it up! We will miss her quiet confidence, her eternal optimism, and her enthusiasm for her life and the people in it.
Getting 609 organized - we all work hard on getting Moms house ready for sale. So we have to get it decludered and organized for the sale. Lettie is organizing the things for her sisters too that have to go to Toronto or Alabama. We have 2 Garage sales and make a good amount of money for the Estate. And we stage the house for the sale, which will be starting in the first week of June.
Wir organisieren das Haus meiner Schwiegermutter für den Verkauf der Anfang Juni beginnt.
Bis dahin müssen wir die Sachen die die Schwestern haben wollen aus dem Haus haben, und alles was niemand haben will muss draußen sein. Daher haben wir 2 Garage Sales oder Flohmärkte wie man bei uns sagen würde. Das bringt schon mal ein wenig Geld und das Haus Konto. Außerdem Räumen wir das Haus auf so das wir es für den Verkauf präsentieren können.
Turning 48 - 2 more years to the big "5" . I decide to have a party at the bowling alley with some friends, neighbours coworker and German friends. We have a great fun time at the Galaxy bowling with se Pizza and drinks and of course bowling, where by the way I bowled the best by winning all games :)
Noch 2 Jahre bis ich 50 werde. An meinem Geburtstag gehen ich mit ein paar Freunden zum bowling. Wir haben eine Menge Spaß bei Pizza und Bier, und ich gewinne alle Spiele :)
Day trip to the CNP and Waterton - I had to check on a couple things in the CNP on my day of on May 25 th. So I took the chance and also went down to Waterton to have a couple hours in the Park. I made it up to Bears hump in astonishing 22 minutes which is only 3 minutes more than 5 years ago.
Tagesausflug nach Waterton da ich eh in der Nähe war an dem Feiertag den ich am 25.5 hatte. Ich bin auf meinen Lieblings Ausblick gegangen von wo man den ganzen See überblicken kann.
Family trip to Waterton - less than a week later we went again as a family, including Nicole's friend Amalie. We did the townsite and had fun with a picnic at the playground. For dinner we went to the Mexican pub in Twin Butte after we stopped at red rock Canyon.
Familien Ausflug nach Waterton. Schon am nächsten Wochenende sind wir alle nach Waterton gefau, dieses Mal kam Nicoles Freundi Amalie mit. Wir hatten ein Picknick am Spielplatz und haben uns das Dorf angesehen. Natürlich waren wir auch noch kurz am Red Rock Canyon bevor wir nach Twin Butte zum Mexikanischen Restaurant gefahren sind.
Soccer season Nicole outdoor soccer season is on and it's nice to be outside and see the kids playing, she is very fast with the ball and hard to stop, she is just sometimes in her own way.
Die Fußball Saison ist ab Mitte Mai draußen und es macht viel Spaß die Kids draußen Rennen zusehen und Nicole ist schnell und nur hart zu stoppen.
Ericas school play - the sixties, one and a half hour of sixties music and fact from the sixties. That was very interesting, and also Nicole had a great time to see her big sis. Erica had a couple dance and singing acts with others.
Ericas Schule hatte eine Bühnenshow und das Thema waren die 60s. Es gab viel Musik und Tanz und Fakten zu den Sechzigern. Nicole war natürlich begeistert ihre grosse Schwester auf der Buehne zu sehen.
Nicole's Birthday party at the beginning of May we had Nicole's party at the YMCA pool. That was the only time we could book that pool. We had 5 kids and some adults, like Bob and Luise who where on Nicole's wish list as guests.
Wir hatten Nicoles Geburtstagsfeier Anfang Mai im Schwimmbad des CVJM (YMCA). Wir hatten 5 Kinder und ein paar Erwachsene, z.B. unsere Nachbarn Bob und Luis, die beiden waren ganz oben auf Nicoles Liste.
Family school project - Nicole did awesome at her project in French and her stuff, like family photos from the past ( my parents wedding Lettie's parents wedding and our) and some other old stuff made it in the glas presentation shelf by the schoo office.
Familienprojekt an Nicoles Schule, das Thema war wo komme ich her und Nicole musste ihre Ahnen der Klasse vorzustellen anhand von Photos und das natürlich in Französisch. Ihre Projekt ist im Schulschaukasten ausgestellt, da sieht man nun die Hochzeitsbilder ihrer beiden Großeltern und von uns.