Lethbridge Weather

Places I stayed in the last 42 years

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

2 2014

This month was our trip to Europe, I do not want to go to much in detail and like to let the photos speak for itself.

Diesen Monat waren wir in Europa, ich möchte nicht zu sehr ins Detail gehen und lieber die Bilder für sich sprechen lassen.

Leaving Canada
At the Naschmarkt in Vienna

At Castle Schoenbrunn in Vienna

At the Heurigen on Vienna

At the Spanish Horse riding school in Vienna

At a Kaffeehaus in Vienna

St. Stephens Cathedral Vienna
Mozart house Vienna 
Franz Schubert house Vienna
Beethoven house Vienna

Taxi stand Vienna :-)
Above Vienna
Another Kaffeehaus in Vienna

That's how the provide newspapers at the Kaffeehaus 

And another Kaffeehaus 

Nighttrain to Cologne Germany

Cologne Cathedral 

Old town area in Cologne
German beer store
House doors in Wuppertal 

Family and friends

In Duesseldorf 

Schwebebahn Wuppertal 

Back home

At a wedding at the Banff Springs after I came back from Europe