Our Goldmedalist
Skiing in Lake Louise
and snow in April
snack time
and snow again in April
Birthday Party

Easter in our cottage (Ferienhaus)

so tired
Skiing in Lake Louise
I got the weekend of my great family (my wife is just awesome) and went skiing to Lake Louise for a weekend. I stayed in the YHA (Youth Hostel) at Lake Louise Village. The YHA is very clean and has lot's of space, a nice fireplace area and a licensed Restaurant. I left work Friday at noon because it is a 4 hrs. drive - and I stopped in Calgary at my favorite German store to get some Bratwurst and Kraut for later (to re-heat at the YHA) for dinner.
It was my first time skiing at Lake Louise, and the Saturday was just a perfect day, lot;s of snow and sun and temperature between -5 and plus 5.
I met some very interesting people at the YHA and many young German tourists, always a good place to stay and to get in contact with others. The Sunday I just went to Banff and relaxed at the Hot Springs, just a perfect weekend to end the Ski season 2010/2011.
Nicole's Medal
Nicole missed her last day at Westwind Gymnastic, but Tara (Lettie's Co-worker who went there with her son too) brought Nicole's Medal and Certificate home. Nicole was so proud that she slept with the Medal one night and had it on the whole day at the Day-home to show her little friends.
Kids Birthday Party
We celebrated the kids birthday together with one big Party. We booked a Pool for us and went there with 30 people, friends of us and friends of Nicole and Erica. We swam for an hour and than had a snack and cake and presents for the kids. Everybody had a good time, one of Nicole's little friends was talking about the Party the whole next day (the mother told it the day-home Mom and she told us!).
Nicole's Medal
Nicole finished her first Gymnastic course and she got a Certificate and Medal. She had the Medal on at night and the next day in the day-home. She was so proud about what she achieved.
Now we are going to the University of Lethbridge to the little kids Gymnastic.
Erica had a friend over for a sleep over, Brooklyn is her friend who just lives 2 houses down the street.
Erica had also a week off over Easter (Easter break), she had a relaxing time at home and helped Mom in the morning with getting Nicole ready.
Easter weekend
The night before good Friday we all (incl. Buddy) went to the Cottage in the Pass. We had to get some
But we had a great time, the kids and I checked out Lundbrake Falls. We had an Easter egg hunt, and Lettie and I went for dinner to Jason and Kathy (the dinner was so gooood). On Easter sunday we went to my in-laws for dinner, we all had a great time, esp. Nicole who got presents for her birthday.
Royal wedding
Erica and Lettie went over to Mom's and Dad's house to see the Royal wedding between William and Kate. Since Mom got Lettie out of the bed for every Royal wedding (since Lettie was 5) she thought it would be a good Idea to continue with this tradition. Nicole and I stayed home!
Habe endlich nach 4 Wochen warten mein
Ski fahren
Ich konnte zum Abschluss der Ski Saison mal wieder nach Banff in die Berge fahren (ohne Familie). So bin ich dann fuer ein Wochenende nach Lake Louise gefahren. Freitags hatte ich schon gegen Mittag das Buero verlassen und bin dann ueber Calgary (wo ich in meinem Lieblings Deutschen Supermarkt gestoppt habe) direkt zur Jugendgherberge nach Lake Louise gefahren.
Zum Oster Wochenende sind wir in unser Ferienhaus gefahren. Wir mussten auch ein paar Sachen raus raeumen da wir nun eine Langzeitmieterin haben, daher haben wir einen Truck gemietet. Als wir ankammen in den Bergen hat es stark geschneit und es schaute mehr aus wie im Winter und nicht wie im Fruehling! Wir haben Schokolade fuer Nicole versteckt, und sie konnte ihr Glueck gar nicht fassen :-)
Es wird das letzte mal fuer ein jahr gewesen sein das wir in unserem Haus waren und sollte unsere Mieterin noch laenger bleiben koennte es sogar noch laenger dauern, aber so bekommen wir zumindest jeden Monat ein gute Miete rein!
Nicole's Turnen
Nicole hat ihrer ersten Turnkurs beendet mit einer Medallie und einer Urkunde. Die Medallie hat sie sogar nachts im Bett getragen und am naechsten
Koenigliche Hochzeit
Lettie und Erica haben bei meinen Schwiegereltern uebernachtet,um frueh morgens die Hochzeit von William und Kate zu verfolgen. Fuer Lettie ist es schon Tradition die Englischen Koenigshaus Hochzeiten zu sehen, seit ihre Mutter sie (schon seitdem Lettie 5 war) frueh morgens aus dem Bett geholte hat. Durch die Zeitverschiebung fing die Uebertragung hier um 5 Uhr morgens an.