1. Wetter
2. Links und Interessante Infos
3. For my Canadian family
4. Bericht der letzten Zeit
5. Lettie´s column (Lettie´s Kolumne)
6. Fotos
1. Wetter
Schnee in den Bergen und sogar Neuschnee. In der Prärie dagegen Frühling mit Temperaturen um die plus 8 nachts dann aber auch noch im minus bereich. Dann Mitte April auf einmal Temperaturen um die 21 Grad!!! Und dann am 15.04 auf einmal wieder dicke Schneeflocken und minus 1 Grad!
2. Links und Interessante Infos
Hier bin ich am 09. Mai für eine Nacht.
3. For my Canadian family
Letter from the Deputy Sheriff (remember my invitation to be a Jury member at the Court) “ Please be advised that you have been excused from Jury duty and you are no longer required to attend on …….” What a joke to send a Jury invitation to an non Canadian. Something is going wrong there!!
I had a good chat with the Immigration officer in Berlin who works on my file. He recommended that I do the English test to get my 2 missing points. I told him that I already have an appointment for the test on May 10th in Calgary. He suggested that we mail him or Fax the result soon after we got it. He sounded very positive about all my Visa stuff, so it seems that I might get my permanent stay soon after I send the result to him?!? It could be that I have to go for an interview to Berlin, but if that helps me to get my Visa. He did not told me that I have to go, but it could happen!!
But on the 4th we got the LMO (labour market opinion) and on the 7th we went to Coutts Border to get my temporary work Visa, which is now valid for 2 years. We had to go to the US customs and then around the building to re-entry Canada and to get my temp. Work Visa. Sounds strange, but that´s the way it is. So now I’ am good to stay and work for another two years and if I get my full permanent stay, maybe in the summer, I can work where ever I want.
There is another company who wants to hire me now. The owner is German and they would really be interested to hire me. They don´t have the LMO yet, so that´s the reason why I start now on may 1st with the company who got all documents, that´s also the company in my temp. work visa. However it is good to have some companies as a backup, therefore I also have another interview with Canbra foods.
Lettie finished her class at the college, she really liked to teach but of course she was so tired, every Tuesday after work from 5 to 9 teaching and being pregnant, respect!
Born at 9.44 Calgary time 19 inch – 7 pound 6 ounce red hair and sooooooooooooo cut
Lettie and I where together at her c-section, that was a great moment when the nurse showed us the baby. Mom and Dad and Erica where waiting for us. On her first day she drank 3 times and made a couple times poo. So we had to change the diapers very often. Lettie feels well and the baby is healthy.
Here is the Lethbridge Herald article about us.
The Lethbridge HeraldSaturday A, Saturday, April 12, 2008, p. a1
The wait never ends
Mabell, Dave
Lethbridge Herald
Alberta needs skilled workers. Many people with those skills are ready to move here from other countries.
And employers are anxious to hire them.
So why does it take many months and thousands of dollars to cut through the red tape and allow those men and women to work?
That's what longtime employment counsellor Lettie Croskery wants to know. She and her German-born husband have been waiting months for a response from federal labour officials - and two years for word from an immigration office.
"I have spoken to many employers in Lethbridge who have simply given up on the prospect of hiring foreign workers because of the delay in processing the paperwork," she says. "It's difficult to understand why it would take months to determine we need (workers) desperately in southern Alberta."
The federal government's new Expedited Labour Market Opinion process was promoted as taking just five days, she adds, but it took nearly three months to approve an application despite the fact three Lethbridge companies were ready to hire her partner, Andreas Pommer.
"It just doesn't make sense."
Through her contacts with local employers, Croskery says she knows there are many other companies and prospective workers caught in the same situation.
"I know there are a lot of employers who have applied," says Croskery.
She says Pommer, an experienced carpenter, submitted his application for permanent resident status in April 2006 and paid the processing fee of more than Cdn $1,500 - but he's had no official response. Now Croskery fears many more temporary or longer-term workers will head to Canada, only to find they, too, are not allowed to work.
"We want to get the message out to other people," including immigrants and others who've come to work in Canada. "We feel their pain."
In Winnipeg, meanwhile, a Citizenship and Immigration Canada spokesperson confirmed a delay of two years or more is the norm. Lorraine Lavallee said Canadian immigration offices in Europe can take three years or more to finalize even 80 per cent of the applications received from skilled workers. In some parts of the world - France, Poland, Russia, India, China and many others - that wait can last five years or more.
It doesn't take long to process an individual application, Lavallee pointed out. But they're warehoused until all applications received earlier have been handled.
"It depends on the number of applications they have to process, before they
get to that one."
Ottawa has not provided additional money to hire more staff, she added.
While Pommer is still awaiting word from immigration officials, he's been busy working in his adopted land. Croskery said he received a one-year working visa, which ran out at Christmas. But even though Alberta and federal officials approved an expedited plan last fall, she said it took until April for his renewal to come through.
Since December, she added, Pommer has been here on a visitor's visa - not covered by health care and unable to draw on the employment insurance paid into over the year.
"We are doing everything we can to complete all of the required paperwork, and comply with all the government's expectations," she said. "We want to play by the rules."
On Valentine's Day 2007, the couple married but, at the advice of federal officials here, Croskery said Pommer did not reapply as a spouse.
"It may confuse the process in Immigration, and result in both applications being denied," she was warned.
Now Croskery is counting the days until their firstborn is due. She's praying Pommer will be accepted as a permanent resident and see their child grow up in Canada.
Category: NewsUniform subject(s): Immigrants, emigrants and refugees; Laws and regulationsLength: Medium, 502 words
© 2008 The Lethbridge Herald. All rights reserved.
Doc. : news·20080412·LH·008042008-ImportWorkersnews·20080412·LH·008042008-ImportWorkers
The Lethbridge HeraldSaturday A, Saturday, April 12, 2008, p. a3
Waiting time for immigrant workers unacceptable: mayor
Mabell, Dave
Work is being done to speed up the process, says Lethbridge MP
Lethbridge Herald
Skilled workers coming to Canada shouldn't have to wait years before learning if they can become permanent residents.
That's what Mayor Bob Tarleck and Lethbridge MP Rick Casson are saying, as Alberta employers struggle to hire qualified personnel
"This is a huge issue," says Tarleck. "We expect the federal government to take action on this."
Not only are Lethbridge-based companies unable to fill some positions in a timely manner, the mayor says, but the city itself has been stymied in hiring for some openings.
But all of Canada will lose out, Tarleck warns, if other nations like Australia - where immigration services work far faster - are able to respond to their shortages by welcoming workers who've tired of waiting for a new life in Canada.
"We're on an international playing field and we have to be competitive with other countries who are looking for skilled workers."
The bureaucratic barriers faced by people like new Lethbridge resident Andreas Pommer, adds Tarleck, have to come down. Casson - who's also tried to help Pommer - says there's hope some of those roadblocks will fall.
"The backlog in the (immigration) system is 900,000 people who'd like to come to Canada," he says. "That's just unacceptable."
Canada desperately needs many of those people, he points out. But now those who apply find there can be an interminable delay.
"I think that's cruel," he says. "We're giving people false hopes."
The Conservative government hopes to help reduce that time through measures included in its current budget implementation bill, Casson says. An additional $22 million will be pumped into application processing this year, he says, and up to $30 million next year in hopes of reducing that backlog.
But the government also plans to turn away applicants, as soon as the year's quota is reached. That's among several changes which have been criticized by some Canadians, he notes.
But if no changes are made, Casson says a four- to five-year wait could balloon to 10 years by 2012.
Even with the new money, "It will take three or four years of concerted effort to eat into the backlog."
Casson says the new Expedited Labour Market Opinion process being tested in Alberta has improved the situation for skilled workers. But it relies on employers completing government forms precisely.
"If you don't cross the 't's' and dot the 'i's' you get rejected immediately," he says. "There's a large number rejected."
With that much onus on the employer, he acknowledges, there's little a worker can do to ensure applications are completed correctly.
Even so, Alberta Employment officials report 1,500 men and women from overseas have started work in Alberta through the expedited approach, with another 3,000 expected over its next fiscal year.
Correctly completed applications usually receive a response within three to five days, they add.
Spokesperson Jennifer Raimundo says once people are here working - or making arrangements to move from overseas - an employee who becomes a "provincial nominee" can receive permanent resident status within six to 18 months, a fraction of the normal waiting time.
While the federal government levies fees for its permits, she says Alberta assists
foreign workers and employers hoping to hire them at no charge. Further details are available by phone at 1-877-427-6419.
4. Bericht der letzten Zeit
Teil II
Am 25.03 habe ich dann auch ganz offiziell das Schreiben vom Deputy Sheriff bekommen, dass ich nicht mehr zu dem Termin als Geschworener erscheinen muss. Was für ein Witz mir überhaupt eine Einladung zu senden.
Buffalo (Büffel) Burger
In einem Blumenladen haben wir letztens Büffel Burger und Steaks (tiefgefroren gekauft)……..JA in einem Blumenladen. Warum nur die echtes Büffelfleisch haben???? Weis der Geier oder sollte ich sagen der Büffel. Die Steaks sollen einfach klasse sein!
Lethbridge ethnic Club
Hier kann man 1 x im Monat an einem Abend essen gehen. Die verschiedenen Ethnischen Vereine kochen dann. Am 28.03 war es der Philippinische Club. Am 25.04 wird es der Deutsche Club sein. Werde dann natürlich dort hingehen, mal sehen was der Deutsche Club so kocht (sicher wieder Sauerkraut und Haxe).
Skiing in Westcastle
Ende März war ich dann noch einmal Ski fahren mit einem Bekannten. Wir hatten super viel Neuschnee und dadurch auch einen Rabatt. Den für jeden cm. Neuschnee geht der Preis einen $ runter. Und wir hatten 13 $ Preisnachlass. Wir sind dann mal richtig durch Tiefschnee gefahren

Der Blick runter von dem Zieh weg auf die Abfahrt war schon nicht schlecht. Es war sehr steil, aber zum Glück war genügend Platz vorhanden so dass ich große Bögen fahren konnte. Der Schnee war teilweise so tief das die Beine total im Schnee verschwanden.
Dann endlich am 04.04 bekam die Firma die mich einstellen will, die Genehmigung. Diese haben wir dann am 07.04 mit uns zur Grenze genommen wo ich mein nun 2 !!!! jähriges Arbeitsvisum bekam. Aber der Behördliche Ablauf an der Grenze ist ja krass. Ich konnte zwar von der Kanadischen Seit ins Gebäude zur Kanadischen Immigration (die ja auch für mich zuständig sind). Aber so einfach ist das alles nicht. Der Beamte hat mir dann gesagt ich muss aus Kanada raus und wieder einreisen. Also praktisch einmal um das Gebäude und dann wieder rein. KEIN Scherz!!!! Wir sind dann zum US Zollbeamten gefahren und haben nur gesagt dass wir Kanada wieder betreten wollen und erst gar nicht in die USA einreisen möchten. Also Pässe zur Kontrolle in der US Immigration vorzeigen und ca. 20 Minuten warten. Dann mit dem Auto um das Gebäude herum zur Kanadischen Abfertigung. Dort nun wieder zu dem Kanadischen Immigration Officer und meine Papiere gezeigt (Arbeitsvertrag - Pass – LMO) 150 $ bezahlt und dann mein Visum bekommen. Das ist nun 2 Jahre gültig. Ich kann in diesen 2 Jahren meinen Arbeitgeber wechseln (Vorausgesetzt dieser hat dieses LMO Dokument um Ausländer einzustellen!). Sollte ich wechseln kann ich das schriftlich der Immigration mitteilen und brauche nicht mehr zur Grenze! Aber wir hoffen ja eh dass wir im Sommer mein Hauptvisum und den Dauerhaften Aufenthalt bekommen, dann kann ich arbeiten wo ich will. Deswegen mach ich ja auch im Mai nochmals einen….
…Englisch Test
Diesen Test mache ich um 2 Punkte mehr in meinem Visaantrag zu bekommen. Ich hatte letztens zum ersten Mal überhaupt mit dem Officer in Berlin (Kanadische Botschaft) sprechen können der meinen Antrag bearbeitet und dieser machte uns große Hoffnung dass der Antrag positiv beschieden werden könnte. Also werde ich am 09.Mai nach Calgary fahren dort eine Nacht hat im Super 8 Motel verbringen und dann den ganzen Samstag diesen Test machen.
Lettie hatte dann im März auch ihren letzten Unterricht am College. Sie hatte ja dort immer dienstags von 5 – 9 Uhr unterrichtet. Sie lehrte die Studenten wie man sich richtig bewirbt nach seinem Abschluss.
Die letzte Woche bevor Nicole kommt
Erica ist bei ihrem Vater und Lettie und ich die letzten Sachen fürs Baby und machen die letzten Besorgungen. Nochmal ins Kino zu zweit, oder mal eben ins Restaurant. Das wird es auch weiterhin alles geben, aber es wird ganz anders. Es wird Zeit das wir Nicole-Marie endlich willkommen heißen dürfen in unserer Familie.
Nicole ist hier
Geboren am 21.04 um 17.44 CET (Deutsche Zeit ) 3350 gramm 48 cm rote Haare und sooooooo süß
Lettie und ich waren zusammen als sie das Baby per Kaiserschnitt zur Welt kam. An ihrem ersten hat sie 3 x getrunken und einige male in die Windeln gemacht. Lettie geht es gut und das Baby (Nicole-Marie Pommer) ist gesund.
5. Lettie´s column (Lettie´s Kolumne)
Lettie's column - April 14, 2008
It's hard to believe we are just one week away from welcoming our little girl into the world! We are more than ready now -- everything is washed and ironed (wait a minute...no, just washed...who irons baby stuff?!!!) and put away neatly. We were so fortunate to receive many 'hand-me-downs' from friends that we haven't needed to purchase very much at all, and our little girl will be better dressed than Andreas or me!
Es kaum zu glauben das wir nur eine Woche davon entfernt sind unsere kleines Mädchen in dieser Welt willkommen zu heißen. Wir sind jetzt wirklich mehr als vorbereitet – alles ist gewaschen und gebügelt (Moment mal…nein, nur gewaschen…wer bügelt schon Baby Sachen?!!!)und alles ist sorgfältig eingeräumt. Wir haben glücklicherweise so viele getragene Sachen von Freunden bekommen das wir wirklich kaum etwas selber kaufen mussten und unser kleines Mädchen wir besser angezogen sein als Andreas oder ich.
I have been taking it easy over the past few weeks - once I finished the marking I needed to do for the college, I have been resting a lot, spending time playing with Erica, baking muffins and basically 'puttering' around the house. It's nice to have Andreas with me and we are enjoying our 'nesting' time together. We are so relieved that Andreas will be able to start working on May 1st in a new job at Vogue Cabinetry. I hope they will appreciate his hard-work and positive attitude!
Ich gehe alles sehr relaxet an in den letzten Wochen – nachdem ich die Abschluss Bewertungen fürs College erstellt hatte. Ich ruhe mich viel aus, verbringe viel Zeit zum spielen mit Erica, backe Muffins und erledige Dinge im Haus. Es ist schön das Andreas auch Zuhause hier ist und wir genießen es unser „Nest“ zu bauen. Wir sind so erleichtert das Andreas am 1 May seinen neuen Job bei Vogue Cabinetry anfängt. Ich hoffe sie erkennen, seine harte Arbeit und positive Einstellung, an!
We are both looking forward to Regina's visit in May and are planning some weekend trips to the mountains...ahhhhh! When we aren't away to the mountains, we will be enjoying the backyard and the park behind us - our first summer in the new house! The hammock is up and ready for lazy nappers!
Wir freuen uns beide auf Reginas Besuch im Mai und planen ein paar Wochenendtrips in den Bergen……ahhhhhh! Wen wir nicht in den Bergen sind werden wir unseren Garten und den Park dahinter genießen – unser erster Sommer im neuen Haus! Die Hängematte ist montiert und fertig für ein paar faule Schläfchen!
All my love,
6. Fotos
Mr. Buddy :-)

Skiing in Westcastle